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shikha guptasays
Was just going through the blog and found it interesting to stop by and give it a read …Somewhere i feel we stop celebrating our own accomplishments and own success and it gets unnoticed and later we complain why we did not give it a chance
Hello Shikha,
You make an interesting point. When we stop noticing or celebrating our moments, they can easily ebb away… and by then we’ve missed the chance to build on them.
Thanks for stopping by, I hope you’ll come again.
At the moment instead of reading your entertaining blog I should be getting up & start on making the school lunches. Should also get the kids up although letting them sleep is very tempting……Oh well, real life intrudes again
Thanks Tander, I really appreciate you stopping by.
And with the internet teeming with blogs, I count myself lucky to have dynamic and thoughtful contributors.
So glad you’re one of them!
Well “at this moment” I have just finished discovering this fabulous blog, I love it and look forward to future topics. Will definitely be popping in often, looking forward to the book!!
Finishing off writing a reference for a brilliant colleague and friend. It never ceases to amaze me how writing just flows when I am putting pen to paper about others’ good qualities, but how I freeze at writing my own resume’. What am I supposed to write about my strengths? I believe one’s true qualities are recognised by those around them and these qualities speak for themselves. They kind of lose their gloss when you write them about yourself.
Hi Alicia, I’m reading a great biography on Audrey Hepburn which made me immediatley think of your book. Timeless elegance and grace is something we could all learn to master. Looking forward to your book release. Best wishes, Marie.
Was just going through the blog and found it interesting to stop by and give it a read …Somewhere i feel we stop celebrating our own accomplishments and own success and it gets unnoticed and later we complain why we did not give it a chance
Hello Shikha,
You make an interesting point. When we stop noticing or celebrating our moments, they can easily ebb away… and by then we’ve missed the chance to build on them.
Thanks for stopping by, I hope you’ll come again.
Caring for my FIRST GRANDCHILD, a girl named Amelia Ana…my dream job.
Reading and responding to emails, listening to relaxing music and enjoying Alicia time via her lovely comments on blog!
At the moment instead of reading your entertaining blog I should be getting up & start on making the school lunches. Should also get the kids up although letting them sleep is very tempting……Oh well, real life intrudes again
I have been reading throught this blog as it happens. Nice light reading, yet thought provoking too. Good work Alicia and all the contributors!
Thanks Tander, I really appreciate you stopping by.
And with the internet teeming with blogs, I count myself lucky to have dynamic and thoughtful contributors.
So glad you’re one of them!
I am wondering why did I have not one, but two dinners last night! The belt on my skirt has just snapped! Salad for lunch!
Well “at this moment” I have just finished discovering this fabulous blog, I love it and look forward to future topics. Will definitely be popping in often, looking forward to the book!!
Finishing off writing a reference for a brilliant colleague and friend. It never ceases to amaze me how writing just flows when I am putting pen to paper about others’ good qualities, but how I freeze at writing my own resume’. What am I supposed to write about my strengths? I believe one’s true qualities are recognised by those around them and these qualities speak for themselves. They kind of lose their gloss when you write them about yourself.
Kids are in bed….finally & unwinding with a cup of tea. These cups at the end of the day taste the best
Hi Alicia, I’m reading a great biography on Audrey Hepburn which made me immediatley think of your book. Timeless elegance and grace is something we could all learn to master. Looking forward to your book release. Best wishes, Marie.
Replacing my boots for joggers, ready for a walk ; )
Testing the At This Moment stuff.