Living With Intent (updated)
Hello – and Happy New Year to you!
January holds its own magic, when the year ahead stretches out crisp and fresh, brimming with potential.
At a party yesterday, we were asked our intent for the year…not a specific resolution per se… but what guiding intent we want to propel our thoughts, our actions, and our language.
One person said she would usher in an intention of non-judgment in her life. I imagined her welcoming it in, like a house guest, and getting comfortable with it at home. In time, it would naturally infuse the way she views people and players in her life. It would affect the thoughts she held on someone, the language she uses to refer to them, and the way she would interact with them.
Someone else said their intent was to become attuned to the abundance in their life. That also resonates for me. We’re programmed to look ahead, seeking the next big thing, yearning for more. But a Savvy Girl knows there is grace in appreciating what she has right now. We already have abundance in the love around us, the skills and insights we possess, the feasts on our tables, the nurturing relationships we draw on.
Me? I intend to practice simple mindfulness. It’s when we pause that we can truly listen to someone with compassion, immerse ourselves on a see-saw ride with a small child, or savor a delicious meal —mindful of our good fortune. After all, eating anytime we’re hungry is something millions around the world would consider a luxury.
I'd love to hear your intent for 2013.
I was reading through all these posts, and it made me think of where/what/how/who I have been and where/what/how/who I want to be. Self assessing is such a difficult thing to do as no one likes to think that they have flaws. I have been self reflecting for the last 8 or 9 months and have wondered how I have got to where I am, how I became the person I am etc etc. Reality sometimes has to slap you in the face to wake and see things for what/how/where/how they are. So my intention for 2013 is to listen to my gut more (beside when it gurgling false hunger sounds at me!)….nothing should overshadow your instincts in my opinion.
Hi,Tander. And good on you, because self-reflection is not easy.
You’re right, it’s uncomfortable at times, but that’s just what leads to change and makes the reflection worthwhile in the first place, right?
Also, not to assume —but I think as women we can get focused on our flaws, while forgetting to acknowledge —let alone celebrate— our qualities and strengths.
Balance, and all that! 🙂
And you hit on a great point about listening to our gut feeling. We’re naturally intuitive, but sometimes we tune more into the deafening noise around us then the whisper inside (well, that’s me somedays, anyway).
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, you’ve made me think, and no doubt, others, too.
Please stop by anytime.
– Alicia
My focus this year is purely on family. It seems simple but it is in fact what I intend to devote myself to as a new grandparent. I know there will be many surprises so I am indeed planning to
Be Surprised! (my favorite line from a movie I saw once)…to be in the moment and experience it fully. So excited!
Louisa, your post is a great reminder to get back to basics, the fundamentals.
And your new hat as grandmother will bring such joy,and yes, surprises (love that line)!
Hi Alicia,
I am on board with your sentiment and thoughts about “living with intent.” As my life experience builds-(aka aging- :)), I have made a daily effort to practice mindfulness in order to embrace the moment before it is gone. With that said, I have to admit it this is truly an effort and a practice. In this rather hurried and restless world, I often need to literally stop in my tracks and just breathe.
Yoga has helped me to appreciate this. One day our instructor noted that we were all struggling on our mat to settle into our pose/postures. It became obvious that as a class we were getting frustrated by trying to force something that wasn’t going to happen while holding our breath. Our yogi advised us: “Breathe, it is all in the breathing. Only then will you be able to settle your mind, find your place, learn to accept where you are and find the energy/desire to make the necessary adjustments to move forward with confidence.” This mantra, as with many can be applied to many moments in our life as it helps us (me) to better deal with the people, places and things that surround me.
In summation, while practicing mindfulness I try to employ the Serenity prayer, surround myself with positive energy, look forward to learning from my mistakes, streamline my life, acknowledge and express gratitude and, allow myself to feel compassion for those less fortunate than I. It truly is a practice…those are my intentions for 2013. My hope is to become a better human being by making a difference in the life of others. Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts on your blog. Enjoy the promise, as well as learn from the challenges, in each new day! Paula
Hi Paula, thank you for sharing your insight.
It strikes a chord and seems just the right sentiment to ease into a busy working week.
While I’ve flirted with yoga over the years, perhaps it’s time to get to know it a little more.
And even if I can’t try a quick sun salutation, the breathing technique is …portable! 🙂
True…we put so much energy into resisting sometimes, and as you say, pausing and being mindful of our breath has an impact.
Thanks for your lovely words.
“Enjoy the promise, as well as learn from the challenges, in each new day!”
It’s now on a post-it on my computer.
Best wishes,
Hi Alicia & all other Savvy Girls,
Happy New Year to you all.
Firstly I love the new look and feel of the blog and I’m really looking forward to reading your blog each week. Your comments are thought provoking and I enjoy the responses of other Savvy Girls too.
New year resolutions, so many made, so many broken over the years! The intentionis always there then time (or lack of motivation – ie the deficit view for weight loss etc mentioned by Charmaine) gets in the way.
This year my resolution is simple. Try to be kind to others, not just people I know, but strangers. A smile, a positive comment, the offer of small considerations like a seat on the train can make a persons’ day brighter. Hopefully after a while this will always be instinctive! Will keep you posted. Good luck with your new year intentions Savvy Girls.
Holly, I couldn’t agree more. I read a quote the other day:
“What we practice, we become.” – Aristotle, I think. Or Fred Flintstone.
Seriously, though, a particular mindset does infuse our approach and becomes part of our DNA. A reliable source tells me that kindness and small courtesies are part of your blue print – but points to you for keeping it front-of-mind when life gets busy.
And thanks for the feedback on the site, much appreciated.
Here’s to a wonderful 2013.
I shifted my new year’s resolutions to intentions a few years ago, and the impact on how I approached my year changed significantly. This year, my intent is to “become my if” and embrace my potential. No more second guessing, and just realizing my Truth. Happy new year, and hope that 2013 is amazing!
Happy New Year, Elisse! And thanks for stopping by.
I enjoy your blog. And it resonates for me, how you embrace your potential as a conscious decision.
I often hear people say, “I’ll be happy when XYZ happens/is resolved/is over.” Not to simplify what could be a complicated or distressing issue, but sometimes I wonder: what if they *decided* to be happy in the interim, rather than hoping and making their happiness dependent on a particular outcome in one area of their life?
By deciding, we choose our basic mindset and call the shots on how we approach something; we’re more likely to relish the good stuff, and be more fortified to address the challenges.
My intention for the year is to work less and enjoy my life more! I will still give 100 percent to the work I do, but I don’t want work to rule my life … time is too short to give it all over to work. Thanks for your comments about mindfulness, Alicia … that’s key to making my intention work. All the best, Deb
Hello Deb, you hit the nail on the head about our need for a work/life balance.
There will always be more things in our in-tray, but we better maintain a sense of equilibrium when we balance work with time for the other hats we wear: be it as partners, friends, family members…or the strange lady down the road with 28 cats (I know a lovely woman who happily claims the title on our block -and revels in her eccentricity!).
Funny, really…we make appointments with our dentist, doctor or accountant, and unless something urgent arises, we honor them – because we respect their time.
But then when we make commitments to ourselves – to relax with a walk, or work-out or catch a movie – we let them slip away or be eroded.
You’ve reminded to be make time for those things too – please pop by again!
And Happy 2013.
Savvy Girl – more power to your words – love the way you write! Happy New Year
Thanks, Carla! Please stop by anytime, coffee in hand and have a browse. And I’m always open to topics.
Happy New Year!
Guiding intent, and simple mindfulness, are thoughtful goals for 2013. The New Year is a time to reflect on the simple things we should be grateful for; for example, loving relationships, a warm place to live and, indeed, some very good food to eat and share. Several months ago we had a terrible storm in the Northeast and many haven’t recovered even the barest essentials that most of us take for granted, especially in this area of the country. So this year I will be especially mindful of simple pleasures, happy moments, and work on my meditation skills so that I have more inner strength for myself and others.
Happy New Year!!!
Hello Maureen, I’m so glad you stopped by.
Your post lends perspective: Super-storm Sandy ravaged the north-east and highlighted the simple things we can so easily take for granted: a warm bed, food on the table, power to turn on a heater or a tap with reliable and clean water.
Among the chaos, it was heartening -though not surprising-to see the graceful way people reached out to neighbors and strangers, even amid their own adversity. You are all in our thoughts as the recovery continues: practically, emotionally or otherwise.
My best for the coming year.
Happy New Year Alicia. I just wanted to say thank you for the reminder to enjoy the simple things that life has to offer and to appreciate those around us. I know we are only a few days into the new year and I have promised myself to go for a walk every afternoon. After reading “Living With Intent” instead of that brisk walk around the lake, I now walk around at a leisurely pace, not only enjoying the walk more but I have also seen the beautiful bird life that is there for all to enjoy.I have even noticed a families having picnics. That would have all be a blur before, so thanks Alicia,I am appreciating the moment. I am looking forward to your book release.
Sandy, thanks for sharing this.
It’s a gentle but important reminder to me that when we slow down a tad, we still reap the benefits – and with a calmer and clearer mind. Wishing you a joyful 2013.
PS: thanks for asking about the book- alas, it will be a little delayed, but it’s coming along nicely. Patience is a life lesson I’m trying to embrace 🙂 I’ll keep you posted.
Happy New Year Savvy Girl. Looking forward to more insightful blogs from you in 2013. Here’s to good intentions
Happy New Year, Megan! And thanks for stopping by. I just glanced at the post again, and when I saw your name pop up, I thought: you don’t need to worry about adopting non-judgment! You’re one of the most accepting people I know. Here’s to a lovely 2013! Alicia
Alicia what a lovely way to think about new year’s resolution, more on the thinking, acting, doing/being – the alignment of body and mind. Too often the resolution is about a deficit view, “lose weight, stop spending” etc. I really like the notion of mindfulness, being present to fully appreciate the moment, definitely a house guest I will be having stay this year : )
Hello Charmaine, thanks for stopping by. Your reference to a “deficit view” made me sit up – it’s so true, and it made me think about the language we use around our intentions. As you say, so often we use negatives – we vow to cut this, ban that, deny ourselves something or other. We’re coming from a point of lack, rather than a point of abundance. Thanks for sharing this – and Happy New Year!