MY ELIZABETH TAYLOR MOMENT (marrying the same man twice)
His proposal came in the middle of a job interview.
I had just returned from London and Jon wanted me to move into the boarding school where he worked and lived. The school principal agreed—on one condition. He was a tall man, and he spread his long arms out like wings to make his point as the verdict was delivered. “I’d love to have you here,” he told me, “but you can’t live in sin. I’ll give you four weeks to get married.”
“I think not”, I sniffed, not about to forfeit our wedding day for a quick, drive-by affair.
“Sure, see you in a month.” said the voice beside me.
“Is that a proposal?” I stammered, incredulous.
“Absolutely.” Jon declared.
We were married on a little clifftop overlooking the ocean. It was romantic, but this usually-Savvy Girl hadn’t considered the wind factor: my hair looked like Marge Simpson’s, a cylinder of locks billowing above me. Oh well. I wore something tight and black, at the groom’s request (should I have expected anything different from the Y chromosome?).
Never ones to do things the conventional way, the church wedding came a year later. And it went without a hitch. Mostly. More nervous than I realized, I looked lovingly into Jon’s eyes and declared, “I, Alicia, take you, Father Patrick…” Jon was stunned, but graciously laughed it off. The priest said it was the best offer he'd had in a while: I would hope so!
How did your proposal go? Or how would you like it to unfold?
Hey Alicia,
I know you looked amazing on both occasions and you were clearly savvy enough to marry the same amazing guy twice – & Jon was clearly lucky you did!
Father Patrick missed out….not his calling or yours in this lifetime!
By the way, my proposal was a non event & one of the reasons I don’t talk about it much. I had bought Jason a fairly pricey Christmas present, although I didn’t tell him what it was, he wanted to know the vicinty of the price tag so he could match it. When I told him I’d spent about $500 he said “Well, I’d better buy you a ring I suppose” …he will probably claim, like your Dad, that he never actually proposed. MEN
Yes, MEN!
But hey, talk about upping the ante!! Your gift sounds incredibly generous, but no guy buys a ring, with all it implies, in response to any gift. Clearly he was smitten already and just looking for a reason to get into gear!
Thanks for sharing this, it makes me smile. – Alicia
Sounds like you only married Jon once seeing as Father Patrick got a guernsey the 2nd time!!! I think it’s probably one of the defining moments of his life & one of the reasons he remembers your wedding out of the hundreds he has performed.
Thanks, Megan – I hope he remembers it! When it comes to mind, I still don’t know whether to laugh or cringe (or maybe that you be “craugh” or “linge” – don’t mind me, I’m now coining phrases if you don’t mind…)
Cheers, Alicia
I love this, Alicia – especially the “I, Alicia, take you, Father patrick” part! My proposal was in a snowstorm on a mountaintop while skiing in Switzerland – the ring was in the pocket of his ski jacket through several runs and a few tumbles until he found just the right moment. Yes, my husband is a bigger-than-life kind of guy (not only in stature)… and he married his opposite because I am happy just blending in with the woodwork. I guess opposites do attract, though, because we are still together 25 years later!
Hello Jenny, thanks for sharing this. A proposal surrounded by swirling snow sounds magical! And I wouldn’t say you blend in with the woodwork…more like you have possess a lovely inner calm and grace which complements his energy and sense of humor! It’s great to see your name pop up, and congrats on 25 years! Cheers, Alicia
Sooo sweet and funny and definately
Romantic! Of course! My partner of 40 years told me he was not good enough for me when we first dated. His humility and consideration for my wellbeing over his feelings was what sealed the deal. That along with his amazing sense of humor and intelligence plus our common interests…music, movies, reading to name a few, has kept us together for most of our adult lives and enriched the life of our family which includes our now adult daughter and son. I AM BLESSED!
Sooo sweet and funny and definately
Romantic! Of course!
My partner of 40 years told me he was not good enough for me when we first dated. His humility and consideration for my wellbeing over his feelings was what sealed the deal. That along with his amazing sense of humor and intelligence plus our common interests…music, movies, reading to name a few, has kept us together for most of our adult lives and enriched the life of our family which includes our now adult daughter and son. I AM BLESSED!
Alicia – love your story! My now husband got down on both knees in the kitchen and managed to propose before we were interrupted by the lawnmower man knocking on the front door!! I was then left to deal with the lawnmower man while he went off to work!!!
Priya-no! How could the lawn mower man interrupt that moment? It’s like rock-paper-scissors. Hello: love over lawn, weddings over weeds—every time! Really, men. But how lovely that your fella popped the question before the knock! And I like his two-knee touch, it adds something. Rather than “Please be my wife…”, it injects a dramatic element of “I’m begging you to be my wife. I can’t go on without you…!” Ups the ante, don’t you think? Thanks so much for stopping by! – Alicia
PS forgot to add – love your blog, and looking forward to reading more
Is it ok if I share the link on my Facebook page? xx
Oh, Priya, that would be *wonderful*! Thanks so much for sharing the link – and for your encouraging words. Sorry for the delay, on top of the time difference. Alicia xx
Hi Alicia, what a great proposal story, the clifftop ceremony sounds so perfect, the Marge hair, hilarious!!!
Your story took me back to my non-proposal, after having lunch one day in the city my now husband said as we walked past a jeweller ‘should we go in and get a ring for you?’ I replied ‘Yeah ok’ and that was it, we were engaged.
Jeannie – you must have been one fuss-free bride. The ultimate anti-bridezilla! And gorgeous to boot. That is so laid back. There’s something to be said for just “knowing” – no need for the fuss and drama.
Have got to say, there’s appeal in that. Thanks so much for your support –and for stopping by “At this moment…” – you’re the first to christen it this year! – Alicia
PS: “.. and that was it, we were engaged.”
You’ve just reminded me: my father maintains to this day that he never actually proposed – that my mother and grandmother just started “making arrangements” until one day he realized that was it – things were booked – and he was engaged!
Hi Alicia
I have to ditto’s Jane’s comments, you would have looked divine regardless of the hurricane type winds! Sean’s proposal to me happened as we shared a bottle of the limited edition AC/DC (yes as in the rock band) shiraz. My inner rock chick was thrilled!
I’ll bet she was! Does Sean know you, or what? I remember, when your funky save-the-date card arrived, emblazoned with rock guitars, the ACDC wine came to mind. I did a double take at the time when you first mentioned it– it seemed so incongruous: rock music and rolling vineyards. You mean cultivating wine, as opposed to trashing a hotel room with bottles of it, as good rock musicians are infamous for? But then – it got rave reviews! And thanks for your kind words, Chris -you’re so biased- and I love you for it!
Thrilled to see your name pop up, belle! – Alicia
John asked me to marry him about 2 months after we met … waay too soon! I asked him to marry me about 8 months later … and he said yes!
Deb, I love this twist! His heart obviously knew very early on, and your cool-as-a-cucumber approach balanced things nicely until a little more time had passed. Many could take a leaf out of your book! Thanks – Alicia
LOL, oh my, the XX chromosomes!!! (j/k, trying to get into the spirit of the post)
That’s a great story. My proposal went without a hitch. A few minutes later my mother hit me (after my fianceé practically shoved the ring in her face to share the news). My mom liked her, just thought we were too young.
As with your wedding, the words weren’t all as expected at mine. 🙂
Rick -I thought my story was maybe amusing -yours would be a movie! (Savvy Girls/Guys: Check out the link Rick included in his post). Touching, hilarious, unbelievable!
Did you *really* tell the priest to just start without the bride – and catch up later?!
Thanks so much for sharing it.
Haha, yes, but not until the third time he told me we needed to start. Even though I was only 21, I’d known him for years–and felt less formal with him after he called my bride a pagan. He told me (in front of her) that since she hadn’t been baptized, I could get out of the marriage any time I wanted. At first I was amused, but after seeing how much that upset her I was annoyed with him….and felt I could talk to him like a “regular” person.
I’m not sure what caused the problem commenting on my blog. One or two bloggers (in 3.5 years) have mentioned having a problem, but it was a one-time thing for both.
Ah. Didn’t know any of this. Will be sharing. Brilliant.
ps – thanks for sharing the link.
Hi Liz! Funny to think of all the things discussed, debated and disclosed while we hiked those hills (you flying up like a mountain goat, me scrambling, wheezing and cursing to the top) that you were spared this story!
Lovely to see your name pop by, please visit any time.
All the best for the New Year!
dear Liz I mean Alicia
What an awesome story, I now am wondering why Liz married Richard Burton twice…
Will be googling now!
Hey Eliza…yes, she wasn’t shy about racking up the grooms! Thanks for stopping by.
Oh, Alicia, I laughed out loud. I knew much of that story, but not the “I take you, Father Patrick” part! And Marge Simpson hair or not, you undoubtedly looked gorgeous.
Knowing me, you also know that there is probably nothing I hate more in life than surprises. Seriously. So first of all, if I ever get my $%*! together and keep a boyfriend for more than three months (hah!), I can only hope a future proposal would not involve a flash mob or a big screen. Because I. WOULD. DIE. Literally, I would drop dead. I’m also not opposed to just having a conversation about it and coming to a consensus that marriage is the next step. A perfect way to eliminate surprises!
Off for a cross-country ski – cheaper than therapy and a good ol’ Canadian way to spend the winter when all the cute guys are apparently hibernating… 🙂
Ha! Jane, I am completely with you on the big surprises. A private moment is lovely. I laughed when you mentioned the big screen, and I used to say, “Not the jumbo-tron! Never the jumbo-tron!” while sporting a look like someone was twisting my big toe. And you had me on the flash-mob -good point!
I enjoy little surprises, but I’ve warned Jon: throw me a surprise party, and I’ll leave you. Right there. Though like a Savvy Girl, hopefully I’d have the presence of mind to look around first and say “How Lovely. Thank you.”
Then hitch a ride to the airport and flee to Yemen under an assumed name (every girl needs a plan B).
So glad you stopped by! Alicia x
PS: If I ski with you telepathically, that does mean I can claim half the calories you torch?