Oversharing & Underthinking.
[I usually lean toward more uplifting stories... but here goes!]
Maybe you've seen today’s news story of a father who filmed his daughter’s birth—while driving to the hospital.
Oddly, it was introduced as a "feel-good" piece which was “guaranteed to put a smile on your face.” Says whom? As a former child protection worker and now a journalist, I’m appalled - not that one needs to be either of course, to be equally incensed. In case you missed it:
I appreciate birth is a magical moment. At the same time, there surely is no more delicate life than a newborn. Despite this, the father showed scant regard for his baby girl, his partner—and anyone else on the road at the time.
His actions speak to a new low in the narrative of over-documenting and over-sharing. Are we so fixated in our addiction and apparent right to record every moment, that we risk lives to capture them? We've all seen and read stories where people have caused fatalities while texting or otherwise preoccupied with their phones.
He should be arrested. Breathtaking stupidity can't be challenged with a mere warning or lecture. One can only imagine how he'd cope if he had killed his infant, or left her destined for a wheelchair before she could ever take her first steps. Throw him in jail to make him miss the first few nights of his baby's life. Better he be forced to reflect on his actions, which could so easily have left her dead.
#Arrestdriverdad #Arrestnewdaddriver
Your thoughts?
Hi Alicia
Quite a controversial issue. I guess sometimes the adrenaline takes over and people don’t make the wisest decisions. Maybe the new Dad – just wasn’t thinking straight – he planned to capture the moment in the hospital and just captured it as it unfolded in the car. He didn’t engage his brain and think – oh no – I could have an accident because a) I am seriously distracted my wife is giving birth and b) I am filming! He and his new family are certainly lucky to avoid any accidents and long term repercussions.
Thanks for sharing Alicia. I couldn’t agree more!