Welcome to the blog
Move forward.
Welcome to my blog. I'm Alicia, and I'm chuffed that you've dropped by!
The Savvy Girl's Guide to Grace is about simple ways to lead a savvy life...channeling your inner Audrey, really....and putting your stamp on it.
It's about finding a balance with the hats we wear (turns out, it is possible!) and welcoming moments of grace and kindness amidst the rush. We're more logged on than ever, but sometimes more isolated, too.
I'll be sharing my thoughts on what makes a girl savvy, and how she handles different scenarios, from hassles on campus or at work, to gracefully releasing a friendship she has outgrown.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on what constitutes a Savvy Girl...how she behaves, how she dresses, how she carries herself in the world.
If you'd like to cut away some of the noise and distractions, pop by with coffee in hand, and stay a little while.
We'll be in test mode til March 1st, so please bear with us as we play around with different things.
Bravo on your POPE comment. I have a manuscript near 500 pages on my years of abuse at the hands of catholic church clergy men. Hopefully to be published sooner than later I hope. Unfortunate it still seems to be a taboo subject to most publishers!
Hello, Vicarious.
I’m so sorry to hear of your abuse.
I hope there was some measure of healing or catharsis in writing down your experiences. Maybe you have considered self-publishing? There are many sites offering tips to get you started. An e-book or POD (print on Demand) is relatively cheap and fast.
My best wishes to you,
Hi Alicia!!! Thrilled that you are up and running!! Just took a little me time and read through your blogs to date and enjoyed all!! Loved your Elizabeth Taylor moment!!
I look forward to keeping up with your future blogs!! I will also be downloading your book this weekend, as have a lot of young, fabulous women in mind that it would make a freat gift for!!
Hope all is well!! Big HI to Jon!!
Hey, Christine!
So good to see your name pop up! Glad you like the blog, and thanks for your encouragement.
Just to let you know, the book is almost done but needs another few months – actually, more because the e-book formatter and printer each have waiting lists.
I try to remind myself it’s a good sign – and patience remains a life lesson for me!
But I’ll be sure to let you know when it’s up and ready. Thanks for your support, it’s given me a boost.
Please swing by anytime!
So excited for you…excellent! Excited to read your book.
Hi Alicia,
So great to see your book is finished. Can’t wait to read it! Congratulations. 🙂
Hello Parissa, and Happy New Year!
Thanks so much, but I’m afraid the book will be a little longer. True, I’ve finished writing it, but the ebook will be a little delayed.
In fact, just today I’ve been trying to update that portion of the home page to correct the release date, but having some technical challenges!
It will be here soon, and I’ll keep you posted. Thanks for your support.
Cheers! Alicia
Hey ‘Alicia”!
Looks good so far!
Can’t wait to see more…
Hi Alicia,
This is a great start and I am sure it will be great. I think your topic will be of interest to a wide age group of women.
I can’t wait to read more and what a fun topic to read!
Cheers, 🙂
Thanks, Parissa!
I appreciate you dropping by and also your feedback.
Shall try to post on a variety of topics, as I appreciate you have such a buffet of blogs and other commentary, vying for your attention on the net!
Can’t wait for your book to come out! Looking forward to doing a review!
Thanks Elisse, I appreciate that!
I’ll keep you posted; things are getting busy as we head into production. I’m seeing strong coffee in my future…
Nice start, Alicia! Looks like we’re in the same place – the beginning. I’ll be watching. 🙂
Thanks Karen!
Yes, we’re both diving into this adventure. 🙂 I look forward to seeing your site take shape, too. A great start to 2012.
This blog looks like it’s gonna turn out to be really fun and practical.
As soon as a few more pages are added I’ll be checking every week! 🙂
I will leave more replies soon 😉
From Rachael 😀
Hello Rachael!
Thanks for stopping by, I’ll be sure to keep on my toes so that I have a variety of things for you each week.
I’m looking at uploading fresh posts on Wednesdays…some mid-week musings, if you like.
It’s always fun brainstorming more ideas with fellow Savvy Girls, so I look forward to your input.
If you’d like to talk about anything in particular, just let me know.
Have a lovely weekend,
Hi Alicia,
This page is a very good start and I look forward to catching up with further posts as you refine the page. I love the mantra too. It makes me smile when I read it, so it is very effective. Catch you in the future
Thanks, Megan!
I recited those opening lines to myself just before I pressed “send” on my first post, so it makes me smile to think it resonated with you, even a little. I used to think a “cleansing breath” was just for hippies or yoga devotees, but now I try to keep one in the bottom of my bag…, you know, alongside the trashy mag, emergency chocolate and the crumpled list of resolutions. I hope you drop by again soon. Cheers, Alicia.
Hi Alicia
I am looking forward to hearing more from you, and your first words have already made a difference! “Smile, breathe and move forward” – simple but sometimes so hard to do!!
A friend of mine says “accept, adjust and move on” but I prefer your mantra – it is a bit kinder and supportive : )
In a fast paced world, where we are consumed by a 24 hour news cycle and social media it would be nice to read your blog, a special space to just to ‘be’; to deconstruct some of the stress we take on in our lives.
I look forward to your next instalments..
Best wishes and more power to you!
Hello Charmaine, and thanks for visiting!
I appreciate your feedback and encouragement. You hit the nail on the head about the pace at which we do things…we can so easily find ourselves lurching from appointment to appointment, living almost on auto-pilot. On that note, I’ll be aiming to keep my posts fairly short and sweet; there’s already so many demands on a Savvy Girl’s time, I won’t be out to rival War and Peace! Best wishes, Alicia
PS: I’ve just wrapped up a manuscript for a book due out later this year, and the back blurb talks about finding moments of kindness and grace “in a fast paced world” : we’re on the same wavelength – just please don’t think I took it from under your nose!
Hi Alicia,
Great to see your blog up and running. I look forward to reading this on a regular basis and hearing your thoughts on a range of issues relating to savvy girls. I think a savvy girl realises that’s it’s important to make time for herself, slow down a little and chill (with a coffee or glass of vino in hand). Doing this and reading about some of the ways people channel their inner grace is a perfect start!
Look forward to your next installment.
P.S. – facebook page details too please….
Thanks, Holly!
I appreciate your support and input…this blogging business is an adventure. I’m diving in!
Good point on the need to make time for ourselves…so often as girls, we’re brought up to please others and meet their needs before our own; it can get to be a habit all to easily.
My blog wizard, Jennette Fulda of http://www.makemyblogpretty.com is working on a new package and we’ll be sure to include FB details too – thanks for the feedback, it all helps shape a better experience for when you drop by next time.
Looking forward to it.
It was nice to meet you at the blogging class on Sunday. I love the design you’ve started with here!
My cemetery blog is hosted by WordPress — and I am not tech savvy — but I may be able to answer some easy questions, if you have any. 🙂
Hello Loren! It was lovely to meet you, too. It was a fun workshop, I thought…dynamic women, lots of different topics to blog about, each with its own perspective. And if there’s cupcakes involved, I’m there! Thanks for being my first poster. Cheers, Alicia
ps: for anyone wondering about the blogging workshop, it was a fab event hosted by Britt Bravo. Catch her at http://www.brittbravo.com